twitchRX FAQ'S


Tap center power button to turn on (green LED stays lit). To turn off, tap center power button again (green LED turns off).

YES!!! Charge via USB cord and remove when green LED stops flashing.

Wear twitchRx to warm up (30 minutes), recovery post workout (1-4 hours), and any time during travel.

We strongly recommend using twitchRx throughout your journey to initiate the recovery process promptly by enhancing blood circulation and supplying oxygen to your muscles immediately after traveling.

The twitchRx device should not hurt at all. Muscles in your lower lef will contract every second, which causes your foot to twitch (The Twitch Effect). While this movement is critical to increasing blood flow and recovery it may take a few moments to adjust to the twitching sensation. If it feels too strong, simply decrease the intensity to a comfortable level.

TwitchRx is only meant to be applied to the peroneal nerve to increase blood flow. Additional twitchRx products are currently being researched for other nerves in the body.

Misting of the pads is the only moisture allowed as the controller is not waterproof. Keep the unit dry.

Keep it cool and dry, and out of direct sunlight. Don't forge to keep the controller charged!

Anyone with a recently diagnosed DVT or pacemaker should not use the twitchRx. Please see the instruction booklet which accompanied this device for a complete list of precautions, warnings and contraindications.